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So Far Gone Girl A Parody of Gone Girl edition by Luke Young Humor Entertainment eBooks

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So Far Gone Girl A Parody of Gone Girl edition by Luke Young Humor Entertainment eBooks

I have to start off and say that I wished I would have read Gone Girl Parody: Go Away Girl first. Luke Young did an amazing job with this book! This book will have you laughing your ass off one minute and then it will have you saying… really did she just really say that to him…

Now yes I did read the you know what book by you know who…But I am sorry well not really sorry but I will say that this book is a million times better than the other…Can I say that? I am not sure but what can I say this is my review so I will be honest.

Rick Dunce is my favorite character is this book. I mean yes he is a little off on some things and I did worry about him and his sister there for a minute or two but then he totally redeemd himself in my book. Call me silly, weird, crazy and maybe even a nerd but my favorite part is when we wore a I pooped today shirt…Freaking hilarious… Don’t look at me like that, read this book and then you will understand what I am talking about. I promise!

Winnie is one crazy ass woman. I did still like her though, you know she is one of those character that you hate but then you secretly like her…Yup that is Winnie. She is smart and has or shall I say had a nice ass (lee that part was for you.. your welcome) but she was still a *itch.

I will be honest and tell you that I really hope that this book becomes a movie! Because if it does I am totally going to go see it!
Luke Young you did an amazing job with this book and I wish I would have read this first. Congratulations on such a fabulous, hilarious book and giving me an ending that I wanted and needing!

Read So Far Gone Girl A Parody of Gone Girl  edition by Luke Young Humor  Entertainment eBooks

Tags : So Far Gone, Girl: A Parody of Gone Girl - Kindle edition by Luke Young. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading So Far Gone, Girl: A Parody of Gone Girl.,ebook,Luke Young,So Far Gone, Girl: A Parody of Gone Girl,Fiction Thrillers Crime,Humor Form Parodies

So Far Gone Girl A Parody of Gone Girl edition by Luke Young Humor Entertainment eBooks Reviews

I liked this book better than I liked Gone Girl itself. In fact, this book is the only reason I read Gone Girl. After I bought Go Away Girl and read the first few pages, I decided that I would probably enjoy it more if I read Gone Girl first so I got it from the library. Go Away Girl actually made me chuckle out loud a few times, which is rare for me. There is profanity and some sex if that kind of thing bothers you. I think the book was clever and well done.
Just finished this book. I read it straight through in about 2 hours. At first I wasn't sure where it was leading and almost stopped reading it. I'm glad I didn't because once you realize what's really going on I was completely drawn in and couldn't put it down. I laughed through a lot and was shocked by some but all in all very enjoyable with a crazy twist!! Definitely worth reading. It will leave you really thinking
I'm also reading the original but I finished this one today because it's about 300 pages shorter. I enjoyed it. It isn't exactly laugh out loud funny. Wry is the word that mostly comes to mind. All in all, I'd say it's a decent, satisfying parody.
I'd add my favourite quote just so you could get a feel for the general tone of the book but it contains obscenities and doesn't approve.
As everyone now knows this book is huge! It takes a lot for me to get into a book and it will take me years to finish something if I haven't given up on it. Well this book I finished in a few days, I only put it down to sleep or go to work. If you like any kind of crime, suspense, or thriller books then you will love this! It is absolutely worth the hype and I actually loved the movie just as much as the book. I would say it's a must read for anyone!
The problem with a parody, is that to be really successful, the parody has to be as good, or better than the original. This, unfortunately, is not the case here. This is really just a copy of the original, but inverting the characters and situations with some vulgarity. There is no wit or real humour. I could not finish this book, as it seemed that the author had turned it out simply to cash in on the success of the original. The joke, it appears, was on us.
Now this is how Gone Girl should have ended. The original had such an unsatisfying conclusion, in my opinion, that I was bothered by it even after recognizing the brilliance in it.

So along comes Luke Young and his parody and gives me a totally satisfying conclusion. One that fits so well with the main protagonist that it just couldn't have been better.

Was it over the top? Sure, a good parody has to be.

But the writing was good, the characters obnoxious to a fault and consistently so, and the plot smooth.
This book made me smile, laugh and wince. It kept my total attention and a smile on my face. I laughed a lot and simply enjoyed the book greatly! If you want to read a great parody, you will love this book!
I have to start off and say that I wished I would have read Gone Girl Parody Go Away Girl first. Luke Young did an amazing job with this book! This book will have you laughing your ass off one minute and then it will have you saying… really did she just really say that to him…

Now yes I did read the you know what book by you know who…But I am sorry well not really sorry but I will say that this book is a million times better than the other…Can I say that? I am not sure but what can I say this is my review so I will be honest.

Rick Dunce is my favorite character is this book. I mean yes he is a little off on some things and I did worry about him and his sister there for a minute or two but then he totally redeemd himself in my book. Call me silly, weird, crazy and maybe even a nerd but my favorite part is when we wore a I pooped today shirt…Freaking hilarious… Don’t look at me like that, read this book and then you will understand what I am talking about. I promise!

Winnie is one crazy ass woman. I did still like her though, you know she is one of those character that you hate but then you secretly like her…Yup that is Winnie. She is smart and has or shall I say had a nice ass (lee that part was for you.. your welcome) but she was still a *itch.

I will be honest and tell you that I really hope that this book becomes a movie! Because if it does I am totally going to go see it!
Luke Young you did an amazing job with this book and I wish I would have read this first. Congratulations on such a fabulous, hilarious book and giving me an ending that I wanted and needing!
Ebook PDF So Far Gone Girl A Parody of Gone Girl  edition by Luke Young Humor  Entertainment eBooks

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